Contact Information
10814 Doyle Boulevard
McKenney, VA 23872
Phone: (804) 478-4811
Map & Driving Directions
affirmations to uplift & help you through
each stage of the grieving process.
Be the first to share your favorite memory, photo or story of Melinee. This memorial page is dedicated for family, friends and future generations to celebrate the life of their loved one.
We ask on behalf of the family that you keep your comments uplifting and appropriate to help all who come here to find comfort and healing.
On November 14, 2023 Melinee’s address was changed from earth to heaven. She went to meet her father, Michael J. Neaves, Grandmother Ruth Pulliam Neaves, Grandfather Robert Urquhart Sr. and a host of other soldiers.
To know Melinee was to love her. Melinee accepted Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior, was baptized and joined Little Bethel Baptist Church.
Left to cherish her memories are her mother Mrs. Mattie Tucker Neaves, Grandparents Lucille and Bobbie Hall of Carson, VA, Charlie and Winnie Neaves of Petersburg, VA, an aunt Bernita King of Macon, GA, Uncles Robert Urquhart Jr. (Sarah) of Norfolk, VA, Jerry Neaves (Cynthia) of FL. Great uncles Landon L. Tucker (Annie) of Stony Creek, VA, Deacon Cleveland Tucker (Earnestine) of Dinwiddie, VA, Walter Tucker (Martha) of Dinwiddie, VA, Lawrence Hall (Carolyn) of Stony Creek, VA. Great Aunt and god mother Evelyn Green (James) of Stony Creek, VA, Vina Pride of Petersburg, VA, Mable Ridley (George) of Carson, VA. Numerous friends, Travis Phillips and family, Resean Williams and family, her bestie Charlene Whitaker and ShaNequa Nelson. A host of close cousins and friends to name a few, Joidyn Elliott, Miracle Moore, Jerald Neaves, Joe Neaves and Trevon Rankins.
To plant a tree in memory of Melinee Neaves Phillips, visit the Tribute Store.
10814 Doyle Boulevard
McKenney, VA 23872
23503 Flatfoot Rd
Stony Creek, VA 23882
W.L. Fields Funeral Home | McKenney, VA | Phone: (804) 478-4811
Serving Dinwiddie, Brunswick, Sussex, Chesterfield, Petersburg, Colonial Heights & Richmond
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